Welcome at Åsa Gård! The Åsa Gård is home to us: Ines, Daniel, Tova and Malou. We have some animals on our farm. During your stay with us you will see our horses, sheep, a dog and our cats, chicken and of course all the wild animals in our surroundings such as moose, foxes and roe deers.
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We can offer our guests a lovely place to spend a memorable holiday for both, children and adults. You can roam freely in the genuine landscape of Småland with its deep dark forests, and you can bathe and fish in its many beautiful lakes. From these surroundings got the author Astrid Lindgren her inspiration to her books and characters. (Pippi Longstocking, Children of Noisy Village, That Emil…) Only 56 kilometers from Åsa lies Astrid´s childhood home, and many other interesting places one can recognize from her books.